사용자 도구

사이트 도구




  • Jeus7, Jeus8
[tmax@wassvr01:/home/tmax]$ dsa
Attempting to connect to wassvr01:9736.
The connection has been established to Domain Administration Server adminServer in the domain PCWMAIN.
JEUS7 Administration Tool
To view help, use the 'help' command.
Information about Domain (PCWMAIN)
|     Server     |       Status       | Node Name |  PID  |     Cluster    | Latest Start Time / Shutdown Time | Need to Restart |          Listen Ports         | Running Engines |
| adminServer(*) | RUNNING(3242:10:03)| wassvr01  | 7448  | N/A            | Tue Sep 24 11:31:21 KST 2019      | false           | BASE-       | jms, ejb, web   |
|                |                    |           |       |                |                                   |                 | http-server-|                 |
|                |                    |           |       |                |                                   |                 |jms-internal-|                 |
| cms31          | RUNNING(643:30:03) | wassvr03  | 27247 | N/A            | Fri Jan 10 18:10:15 KST 2020      | false           | BASE-      | jms, ejb, web   |
| cwart31        | RUNNING(23:06:18)  | wassvr03  | 7352  | N/A            | Wed Feb 05 14:33:36 KST 2020      | false           | BASE-      | jms, ejb, web   |
| news31         | RUNNING(2900:27:07)| wassvr03  | 23783 | N/A            | Tue Oct 08 17:13:57 KST 2019      | false           | BASE-      | jms, ejb, web   |
| ontology41     | RUNNING(1147:34:10)| wassvr04  | 17101 | N/A            | Fri Dec 20 18:07:37 KST 2019      | false           | BASE-      | jms, ejb, web   |
[DAS]PCWMAIN.adminServer> stop-server ontology41
[DAS]PCWMAIN.adminServer> start-server ontology41
  • Jeus6

jeusadmin -host wassvr01:9736 -f /tmax/jeus7/bin/jeusEncode “$*”

/var/services/web/dokuwiki/data/pages/wiki/was/jeus.txt · 마지막으로 수정됨: 2023/01/13 18:44 (바깥 편집)