====== 이클립스 주요 단축키 Top 30 ====== ==== Programmer Selection ==== 1) Ctrl + Shift + T for finding a class even from a JAR file This keyboard shortcut in Eclipse is my most used and favorite shortcut. While working with a high-speed trading system that has a complex code, I often need to find classes with the just blink of the eye, and this Eclipse keyboard shortcut is just made for that. No matter whether you have a class in your application or inside any JAR in the workspace, this shortcut will find it. 2) Ctrl + Shift + R for finding any resource (file) including config xml files This is similar to the above Eclipse shortcut with the only difference that it can find out not only Java files but any files, including XML, configs, and many others , but this eclipse shortcut only finds files from your workspace and doesn’t dig at the JAR level. 3) Ctrl + 1 for quick fix This is another beautiful Eclipse shortcut that can fix up any error for you in Eclipse. Whether it’s missing declaration, missing semi-colon, or any import related error, this eclipse shortcut will help you to quickly sort that out. 4) Ctrl + Shift + o for organize imports Another Eclipse keyboard shortcut for fixing missing imports. Particularly helpful if you copy some code from other files and what to import all dependencies. ==== Quick Navigation ==== 7) Ctrl + o for quick outline going quickly to a method 9) Alt + right and Alt + left for going back and forth while editing. 12) Alt + Shift + W to show a class in the package explorer 13) Ctrl + Shift + Up and down for navigating from member to member (variables and methods) 15) Ctrl + k and Ctrl + Shift +K for find next/previous 16) Go to a type declaration: F3, This Eclipse shortcut is very useful to see function definition very quickly. ==== Editing Code ==== 주레피) 소문자 변환은 블럭 지정후 Ctrl + Shift + y 주레피) 대문자 변환은 블럭 지정후 Ctrl + Shift + x 5) Ctrl + / for commenting, uncommenting lines, and blocks, see here for a live example. 6) Ctrl + Shift + / for commenting, uncommenting lines with block comment, see here for example. 8) Selecting class and pressing F4 to see its Type hierarchy 10) Ctrl + F4 or Ctrl + w for closing current file 11) Ctrl+Shirt+W for closing all files. 14) Ctrl + l go to line 16) Select text and press Ctrl + Shift + F for formatting. 17) Ctrl + F for find, find/replace 18) Ctrl + D to delete a line 19) Ctrl + Q for going to last edited place ==== Miscellaneous ==== 20) Ctrl + T for toggling between supertype and subtype 21) Go to other open editors: Ctrl + E. 22) Move to one problem (i.e., error, warning) to the next (or previous) in a file: Ctrl +. For next, and Ctrl +, for the previous problem 23) Hop back and forth through the files you have visited: Alt + ← and Alt + →, respectively. 25) CTRL+Shift+G, which searches the workspace for references to the selected method or variable 26) Ctrl+Shift+L to view the listing for all Eclipse keyboard shortcuts. 27) Alt + Shift + j to add Javadoc at any place in Java source file. 28) CTRL+SHIFT+P to find a closing brace. Place the cursor at the opening brace and use this. 29) Alt+Shift+X, Q to run Ant build file using keyboard shortcuts in Eclipse. 30) Ctrl + Shift +F for Autoformatting. ===== Images ===== {{:wiki:eclipse:eclipse_shortcut.jpg?direct|}} ===== Ref ===== * [[https://javarevisited.blogspot.com/2018/07/top-30-eclipse-keyboard-shortcuts-java-programming.html|Top 30 Eclipse Keyboard Shortcuts for Java Programmers]] {{tag>주레피 이클립스단축키 단축키}}