====== CDT ====== * description : Eclipse에서 c, cplusplus 개발 방법 기술 * author : 주레피 * email : dhan@repia.com * lastupdate : 2020-05-19 ===== 설치 ===== [[https://www.bogotobogo.com/cplusplus/eclipse_CDT_JNI_MinGW_64bit.php|ECLIPSE CDT & JNI (JAVA NATIVE INTERFACE) WITH 64 BIT MINGW - 2020]] \\ ===== 강좌 ===== [[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-suslzEBiMrqFeagWE9MMWR9ZiYgWq89|Linux C Programming]] \\ [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIaRhRgNfx4|Importing C Code Files Into Eclipse]] \\ ===== Cross GCC vs Linux GCC(Native) ===== 컴파일한 바이너리가 다른 곳에서도 사용 가능 ===== C/Cplusplus 개발 ===== ==== library 등록(pthread, socket, 사용자 정의 라이브러리) ===== - Project -> Properties - C/Cplusplus Build -> Settings - Tool Settings -> GCC Linker -> Libraries pthread, iconv 처럼 해야됨 \\ [[https://wookiist.tistory.com/76|[Wiki] Ubuntu 환경의 Eclipse CDT에서 thread 사용시 undefined references with pthread create 가 뜨는 경우 해결 방법]] ==== -fPIC 등록 ==== - Project -> Properties - C/Cplusplus Build -> Settings - Tool Settings -> GCC Compiler -> Miscellaneous - Position Independent Code (-fPIC) check!! ==== Makefile 자동생성 ==== - Project -> Properties - C/Cplusplus Build - Builder Settings -> Makefile generation Generate Makefiles automatically 체크 후 Apply \\ ==== 소스 폴더 지정 ==== - Project -> Properties - C/Cplusplus General -> Paths and Symbols - Source Location ==== 실행파일 종류 지정 ==== - Project -> Properties - C/Cplusplus Build -> Settings - Build Artifact Artifact Type: 선택박스에서 Executable | Shared Library | Static Library 중 하나 지정 \\ ==== 출력파일 지정 ==== - Project -> Properties - C/Cplusplus General -> Paths and Symbols - Output Location ==== 코드 스타일 지정(Formatter) ===== - Windows -> Preferences - C/Cplusplus -> Code Style -> Formatter - BSD/Allman 사용 - Mouse right click -> Source -> Format 실행 ===== Tip ===== [[https://youtu.be/UQ-QrdwjHMw|Detecting Memory Leaks With Valgrind]] \\ ===== Troubleshooting ===== ===== Ref ===== {{tag>주레피 cdt mingw dbcp}}